Ministers Who Quit Or Have Fallen From Ministry


Have you quit or have fallen from ministry? 

Do you know someone who has?

What is your opinion about this?




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Rom.11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.


Does it matter what the attitude or problem or sin was?


Rom.11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.


I do not know the reason that a particular individual has left the ministry, and there are many possible reasons:


False accusations,

Issues with funds,

Issues with people,

Overt sin,

Discovered covert sin,

Church splits,

The list goes on and on.

The answer is still the same:

Rom.11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.


You may not get behind a pulpit again, but you remain called!  You may not be in public ministry again, but you are still called to be a servant of God.  Jesus still has died for you and has bought you with His blood and has also spent a lot of time preparing you for His service.  The time is short and the lost are still waiting for you to reach them in a way that only you can do.


A pastor friend left his pulpit in order to follow God’s call for him to minister to hurting and former pastors.  As a result, this message was to be shared over forty years ago, but I could never figure just how to word it.  Satan has worked overtime to keep you from fulfilling your calling.  Don’t let him get away with it.  Let Jesus heal the hurts, and just go forward, not back.  Most people who leave ministry never talk about the Lord much afterward, and they continue to shrivel more and more inside as a result.  Allow His Word to minister to you that you may be strengthened and encouraged to recommit to what He wants you to do.


Pray for those in ministry and for those who have left.

I hope that this ministers to your heart.

God bless!


P.S.    Rom.11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.